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Translation matters

A bad translation looks sloppy and can confuse or even mislead your readers. It can leave a bad first impression, and that is particularly important when translating your marketing materials. Poor-quality translation can put your potential customers off, and even drive them to your competitors.

Investing in a professional translator, who is a native speaker of the language you’re translating into, is therefore key to ensuring that your content engages your target audience. Above all, it is a reflection of the quality and professionalism of your organisation. It also shows that you care about what you do and about communicating it effectively.

I would highly recommend Kate as a translator and/or copyeditor for any Spanish-speakers who want to produce content in English and achieve a wider reach.

Cecilia MilesiSenior Adviser on Peace and Development at United Nations

I take a collaborative approach to translation and always flag any issues or ambiguities. That might be, for example, when something could be interpreted in more way than one depending on the author’s intention. I take the time to ask questions and make sure the translation is not only accurate, but communicates your message in the most effective way.

If you’re not a linguist yourself, buying translation can be bewildering. You might find this guide by the Institute of Translation and Interpreting helpful.

Find out more about my experience, qualifications and how I learned the language on my About page.


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