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Are you a screenwriter producing scripts in English as your second language and struggling to express your creative vision to its fullest? Do you know your characters inside out in your own mind and language, but need a little help crafting their dialogue and action in English?

Maybe you speak English brilliantly, but need some guidance on picking just the right words for the character and context.

I can work with you to understand these nuances and help you express them effectively in your scripts and story outlines, including working collaboratively in Final Draft. Together, we can get your script to the point where you feel confident that it is conveying everything you want it to, before it lands on anyone else’s desk.

And I won’t interfere with your ideas – simply help you bring them to life.

Gonzalo Maza

Screenwriter – A Fantastic Woman
(Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, 2018), Gloria

I write 90% of my scripts in English, even though it’s my second language. Sometimes I’m in a hurry to meet a deadline and I need to know whether some slang I’ve used in my dialogue is US or British English. Or whether an expression I’ve pulled from the depths of my mind actually exists, or I’ve just invented it. That’s where Kate comes in: she makes sure I come across as more eloquent, idiomatic and professional to the rest of the world, so no one would ever know that English isn’t my first language.

Emily Morgan

Producer – Quiddity Films (BAFTA for I Am Not a Witch, 2017)

Working with Kate was hugely beneficial for our script, once we were ready to polish the draft for potential financiers, cast and crew. She edited the language, and eliminated repetitions and over-expositional dialogue. As a result, the script was notably tighter, with an improved pace and greater emotional impact. Kate was extremely responsive and insightful throughout the process. I really look forward to working together again!

Perhaps you are a producer working with an international writer on a script that has been translated into English, or written in English as a second language.

I can do an English-language pass of the script to tighten it up and remove any unnatural wording and syntax that potential financiers might trip over on first reading. While I’m doing that, I can check that any notes from your sales agent have been incorporated into the latest draft.

When it’s ready, I can give your script a final proofread before you send it out, to pick up any last typos and make sure the language feels true to character and context throughout.

Language editing is not the same as ‘script editing’ in the film industry sense. For more about script editing, see Script editors and writers: an overview by Script Angels.

I edit content to help you maximise impact. Tell me what you need.