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Translation review: a vital part of the process

Every translation needs a second pair of eyes, even if you’re working with a fantastic translator. When you’re working that closely with a text, and thinking deeply about nuance and meaning between two languages, it is hard to stand back and look at it objectively.

That is where I come in. I can approach it with fresh eyes, with your house style and business goals in mind, and tweak the writing into shape to work for your particular audience. The review stage is also a chance to pick up any typos or mistakes that the translator might have missed while deep in translation.

Perhaps their translation is accurate, but the text is worded in a way that is not quite consistent with your tone of voice, or using language that is too specialised for the audience you have in mind. I can make it fit for purpose.

I had the pleasure of working with Kate over the last year, collaborating on several demanding, high-volume review projects of online arts and culture content, including gastronomy, for a global tech client. I was particularly impressed by Kate's ability to handle even the most demanding projects requiring thorough subject-matter research within the challenging turnaround time, still keeping quality at the highest level.

Ludmila WojciechowskaLocalisation Project Manager at Vistatec

If you’re not a linguist yourself, buying translation can be bewildering. You might find this guide by the Institute of Translation and Interpreting helpful.

Find out more about my experience, qualifications and how I learned the language on my About page.


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